Keeping your trees healthy is crucial for their long-term growth. Using pro-active strategies like mulching, watering, pruning and fertilization is the best way to keep your tree healthy.

Water your trees regularly, but be careful not to over-water. Soaker hoses and drip irrigation systems help to avoid over-watering. Mulching helps conserve soil moisture and regulates the soil temperature.


Tree pruning is an essential part of maintaining your plants’ health. Not only does it keep them healthy by removing dead branches and promoting growth in the desired direction, but it also protects people, cars, houses and other buildings from damage in severe storms and reduces the risk of fire.

In addition to removing dead and dying branches, pruning promotes vigor by opening the canopy of the plant and allowing for more sunlight penetration throughout its branches and leaves. This can help the plant to grow taller and more dense, reducing the risk of limb failure during high winds or snowstorms. It can also help prevent a lack of moisture that can cause root rot and other problems.

Look for these signs of a healthy tree:
Healthy trees have an overall clean appearance with a well-defined trunk and a balanced silhouette. There should be no broken or hanging branches. The twigs and branches should be firm and green with no bare areas. You should also be able to see new growth from this year’s buds on the branch tips. The trunk should be free of damage, fungi or insect infiltration and have a strong center leader. The bark should be tight and intact, with the exception of some species (birch, eucalyptus or maple) that have naturally loose bark. If you have evergreens, their needles should be full and not wilting. They may develop bare patches, however, if they are under stress from disease, poor soil conditions or improper pruning. If this happens, prune them to remove the bare patches. Also, consider a fertilization program to promote new growth and healthy needles.


Mulching is a valuable landscaping practice that nurtures plants, suppresses weeds, and enhances overall tree health. It also contributes to soil enhancement, nutrient enrichment, and erosion control. Mulching is especially important for young trees and those planted in hot, dry conditions.

In addition to reducing heat stress, mulch moderates soil temperatures and keeps roots cool, allowing them to soak up moisture without drying out. A 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch such as wood chips or shredded bark will do the trick. Don’t pile mulch too high and be sure to keep it away from the base of a tree’s trunk to avoid rot and insect infestation.

If you live in an area with prolonged drought or extreme heat, it’s important to double your normal watering routine. Newer trees need at least 15 gallons of water a week during these conditions, especially if the temperature is 90 degrees or higher for an extended period of time. We recommend a deep watering twice a week using a garden hose or drip irrigation system, and targeting the critical root zone. It’s best to water in the early morning or at dusk, to minimize evaporation.

Heat stress can cause long-term damage and slow overall growth. Watch for signs of heat stress, such as wilting or dropping leaves, scorching and yellowing of the leaf margins, sap oozing from the trunk, or roots wriggling in the soil. You can also check your soil for dryness by digging a hole about 6 inches deep. Be careful not to overwater, however, as this can lead to root rot and even kill your tree. If you suspect your tree is suffering from water or heat stress, consult with a professional tree service company for supplemental irrigation or pruning.


Trees are a beautiful addition to the landscape and provide a host of benefits. They improve property value, increase curb appeal and provide shade, privacy, and habitat for wildlife. To ensure they continue to thrive, proper care is essential. These important tips can help keep trees healthy, allowing them to better fend off disease and withstand insect attacks.

Providing sufficient water is one of the most important things that we can do to help trees stay healthy. The frequency of watering will vary according to weather conditions, soil type and the particular tree species. However, as a general guide it is recommended that we water trees deeply and thoroughly at least once per week. It is also important to note that too much water can be just as detrimental as not enough, so it’s important to monitor soil moisture and avoid over-saturation.

When watering, make sure to target the critical root zone (CRZ), which extends three times farther from the trunk than the canopy of a mature tree. Watering close to the trunk can lead to rot and encourage insect infestations. In addition, it is best to water in the morning or at night when evaporation is less.

A great way to water trees is with a soaker hose. This allows the water to seep into the soil, avoiding surface runoff and overwatering. Another great tip is to pile soil and mulch in a circular dish around the base of the tree. This creates a reservoir to catch and contain the water as it soaks into the soil, making it easy for roots to access. This technique can be particularly helpful with newly planted trees or when the weather is hot and dry.


In addition to sunshine and water, trees require certain nutrients. Most people know about the sunshine and water part; they prune their trees and treat them when insect damage occurs, but it can be more difficult to understand the importance of fertilizing.

The roots of a tree are its life source, but they can’t be seen, so it is important to supply them with the correct nutrients on a regular basis. When properly done, root fertilization promotes the growth of healthy, mature, disease-resistant, strong and balanced trees.

Most tree care providers agree that it is best to fertilize a deciduous tree in late fall, about a month after the first killing frost. This allows the soil to retain the nutrients as the foliage of the tree declines, allowing the roots to absorb them before the next growing season. It is recommended to use a granular, slow-release, nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

A granular fertilizer provides a uniform distribution of nutrients, reducing the chance of over-fertilizing, which can cause damage to roots and foliage. When applying fertilizer, it is important to follow the label instructions and to apply it evenly. A general rule of thumb is to spread the fertilizer in an area about one and a half times the canopy width.

Healthy, fertilized trees provide shade, cleaner air and increased property value. Periodically examine your trees for health concerns and signs of deterioration. Check leaves, bark and branches for wilting, unbalanced color or uneven growth, which are all indications of problems with the tree. If a branch has fallen or appears crooked, look for cracks in the bark that could lead to structural damage. A fungus growing on the trunk can also indicate damage or illness.


Just as you visit the doctor regularly for check-ups, regular inspection of your trees is essential to uncover health issues before they become serious. A visual inspection can identify potential problems such as dead or drooping branches, which can fall during storms or under snow and cause damage to property, cars, people, and pets. These issues can also lead to costly repairs and tree removal.

A comprehensive visual inspection begins with examining the trunk of the tree to look for cracks or cavities that could indicate internal decay or disease. A close examination of the base and root zone is important, too. The roots of a tree require healthy soil to grow and thrive. Soil that is compacted or has a high salt content can limit the ability of roots to absorb water and nutrients. Professional Tree Services can help you evaluate soil conditions and provide recommendations for remediation.

Observe the overall health of the foliage, including color, size, and density. Discoloration, wilting, and fungal growth can indicate pest infestation or disease. Look for pitch tubes on the trunk, fungi growth on the bark, bare or dying branches, and unusual swellings or abnormal buds.

In addition, inspect the base of the tree for girdling roots and root damage caused by construction activities or soil mounding. Ideally, the base of the trunk should be exposed and free from obstructions, and there shouldn’t be any signs of heaving or root rot. An arborist can assess a tree’s rooting depth and recommend proper soil preparation to ensure long-term tree health. This includes determining whether the soil needs to be amended with aeration or other techniques. They can also make recommendations for watering, fertilization, and other necessary care for a particular species of tree.